Name: M. Rodgers
Location: JFK Medical Center. Atlantis, FL Improvement: Toning & Increased Strength Time: 3 Months Program: 2009 Total Transformation Challenge - Summer Challenge The biggest challenge/obstacle was not getting frustrated about very little weight loss/fat percentage loss. I had already lost 30 pounds since the Challenge in 2007. This meant the majority of my points were truly obtained by the physical challenges. It helped motivate me to stay on the course when I saw how much stronger I was. Back in 2007 any challenge I did was at the minimum level. My diet has changed over the past year above and beyond changes I had already put in place (like no eating after dinner and always eat breakfast) -- I joined Weight Watchers. So my food choices continue to improve. Don't every quit! Lifestyle changes are not a speedy process. The transformation is just that, not a quick fix but developing better habits. Going forward, as I said above, I can't quit. I am making lifestyle changes/choices. |
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