Disclaimer /Warning:
Please read the following carefully before using any content provided by RAMfitness.com:
Please read the following carefully before using any content provided by RAMfitness.com:
- Professional Supervision: Do not attempt any exercises described on this website without consulting a certified fitness professional.
- Inherent Risks: Participation in any exercise program carries inherent risks. By accessing or using any information on RAMfitness.com, you agree to assume all risks associated with such activities, including potential injuries.
- Assumption of Risk: By proceeding with any exercise program or content provided by RAMfitness.com, you acknowledge that you are voluntarily assuming full responsibility for any and all risks, injuries, or damages that may result from your participation.
- Release of Liability: You hereby release RAMfitness.com, its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and instructors from any liability for claims, injuries, or damages of any kind arising from the use or misuse of this site.
- Consult Your Physician: Before starting any exercise program, consult a physician to ensure it is appropriate for your individual health conditions. The information provided by RAMfitness.com is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment and should not be interpreted as such.
- No Medical Advice: Content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as offering medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations.