Name: M. Ludmer
Location: JFK Medical Center. Atlantis, FL Improvement: 15 lbs Weight Loss Time: 3 Months Program: 2008 Total Transformation Challenge 1. My biggest challenge was just sticking to the plan, coming and keeping up with the points. 2. The motivation I had mostly came from you, you really gave me a lot of incentive and positive reactions. You are great, and you keep me going. I really enjoyed coming here. 3. I really tried to change my diet I kept eating salads and tried to stay away from the starches. I still have those few problems with the sweets. I will try and be stronger. 4. My advice for people trying to do this is just keep yourself positive and this will work. Keep your head up try not to indulge, to much if you do you need to work it off. 5. This experience was awesome I will continue to go to the gym, it feels wonderful. I still need to lose some weight and it will come off. Rami again you are the best, thanks for all the encouragement. I will be back for the weight-ins. thanks for everything. |
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