Name: D. Ortiz
Location: JFK Medical Center. Atlantis, FL Improvement: Toning & Increased Strength Time: 3 Months Program: 2009 Total Transformation Challenge - Summer Challenge My biggest challenge was establishing a routine. Instead of resting, I used my free time to work out. Overcoming the fatigue from 12-hour work shifts to exercise 1-2 hours was tough, but it paid off quickly. I wouldn't call them obstacles, just adapting to a new, enjoyable lifestyle. What really kept me motivated in the program was seeing continuous results, both physically and mentally. My stamina and endurance improved, and mentally, I understood the importance of focus and effort. Also, my goal to be in the best shape, like during my high school soccer days, kept me going till the end of the Challenge. My diet changed drastically. I stopped snacking unnecessarily, cut out all junk food, and started paying close attention to nutritional content, calories, and saturated fat. Diet was 80% of the change needed, along with cutting out sodas and drinking more water, especially between exercises. Eating fruits in the morning and reducing carbs after lunch were also key changes. My advice would be to gather information first and decide on your goals. Do you want to look and feel better, or be in the best shape of your life? Make a schedule and stick to it. It won't be easy at first, but the results will come. Stay positive and patient, and plan for noticeable results in a couple of months. Taking before and after pictures helps to see the change. This experience was awesome, impacting me physically and mentally. It's just the beginning, and I know I can do better, improve my stamina, strength, and health. I plan to keep running, swimming, and staying active, hoping to help and learn from others to enhance my lifestyle and personal growth. |
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