Name: F. Ng Ly
Improvement: 13 lbs weight loss / 4.3% Body Fat Reduction Time: 3 months Program: 2022 Total Transformation Challenge What was your biggest challenge / obstacle (s)? Overall, the biggest challenge was just to get started. Starting this fitness journey was intimidating. I had no motivation and no experience with any of the exercises and machines. I felt that, because I was a beginner and not in shape, people would judge me. Even asking a random stranger for help seemed taboo in my mind. What motivated you to stay on the course? Luckily for me I have a few good friends who were willing to join me in this challenge. A new experience isn't as scary when you have others like you along for the ride. As I kept going into the wellness center, I met more people whom I connected and they become part of my motivation to continue. Another bonus for motivation is the fact that I have noticed that I started looking slimmer. It doesn't happen in a day, it does take weeks/months but you do see the difference. Did your diet change? If so, How? Please be detailed! Yes, my diet did change. I used to eat quite a lot for dinner and would try to sleep as soon as I could afterwards. Fast foods? I used to love eating out almost every other day. It was convenient and I didn't have too much to clean up after. Bad side to that was the fact that I had no energy after eating that type of food. Yes, it was a struggle at first to eat healthier and to cook, but I've learned to like it. I tend to eat more for lunch now and less at night. Not a big fan of fast food now because of all the grease and the fact that it makes me feel bloated and sick. However, my diet does consist of a cheat day once a week where I could enjoy in moderation. KEY WORD: moderation. What advice could you give to others that want the same results? A wise person once said "It's all in your mind." Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, it's true. I would suggest going into it with some friends or colleagues to help keep you motivated. They also provide a sense of rivalry and competition. If you are uncomfortable doing certain things, ask for help. Rami is an awesome dude who will try many different things and modify the experience for you. Last piece of advice is to just go in at your set schedule. For example, you said you will go in mon, wed, fri. Then go in on those days even if you don’t feel like going or had a hard day at |
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