Name: R. Keys
Improvement: 7% Body Fat Reduction Time: 3 months Program: 2018 Total Transformation Challenge What was your biggest challenge / obstacle (s)? The biggest challenge at first was deciding if at 65 and not having been to the gym for quite some time, I could even attempt to try this Transformation Challenge. What motivated you to stay on the course? Seeing the pounds come off was the biggest motivator. Having a great team and not wanting to disappoint them because they had won the challenge previously also made me push further. When you make working out competitive it also makes it more fun to continue and as your team does well you want to stay on top so you continue to strive harder. Did your diet change? If so, How? Please be detailed! I have always been a person that liked to snack and addicted to sugar so this needed to be changed if I was to lose weight. I began with cutting out all obvious sugar like candy and cookies and then started reading labels on other foods to check sugar content and if they were high I avoided them. I increased my food intake for breakfast and usually had a salad for lunch with some kind of protein and fruit. When I left the gym I usually had a snack with peanut butter or salsa and chips. I did not eat much in the evening. On the weekends I changed up my diet some so I didn’t feel deprived and usually had ice cream or some kind of sweet but regulated the portion. Friday night was pizza night after weigh-in as a reward but since I had controlled my food intake all week it didn’t take much to fill me up maybe two pieces at most. I definitely increased the water I drank which helps make you feel fuller and chewed gum and mints if I felt hungry during the day. What advice could you give to others that want the same results? This has to be something you really want for yourself because it is not easy. You need the right team members who also want to be as actively involved as you do and work together to grow points and challenge one another. We did four 5K’s as a team and I hadn’t done such a thing in over 25 years but since they encouraged me and thought I would have no problem I went along with it. Having Rami as a trainer to encourage you and push you further then you think you can go also helps and he does it in a very positive way. Remember it is only 12 weeks out of your life but how you feel at the end of it can really make a difference in your health and wellbeing. How is this experience going to affect you going forward? Going forward I plan to continue monitoring how I eat and avoid the sugar. Continue to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and walk in between. |
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